Our Kids, Our Family

By The Time Friday Rolls Around, It’s Best To Laugh

Daughter Riley was selected as one of the Students of the Month at her middle school.  The administration kindly acknowledges a group of kids each month who achieve the status of getting no negative remarks on the nomination form that goes around.  It’s rigorous.

Lots of kids get recognized throughout the year and the school does a bang-up job on donuts and coffee for a seven-minute presentation of certificates at 7:45am.  Of course, now that I’m a “work-in-my-sweats” Mom, I took the occasion to dust off the good Ann Taylor jacket. I want to do my best to embarrass Riley at these kinds of events.

Excellent Principal called each high-achiever up to the podium one by one.

There in the midst of the final group, was my daughter, and eight other middle schoolers, who had each sloughed with stifled-smile toward the Principal to accept their handshake and certificate.  But what’s this? Amidst the crowd, the same handsome kid who was lobbing F-bombs and other lewd comments into daughter’s cell phone via text messages that finally got her texting blocked indefinitely. (It’s back on now, by the way. We learn as we go, right?)

There they were, students of the month.  Adorable.

I laughed at the rapid-fire images that flew through my head of channeling Claire Dunphy, dramatically standing to object, or grabbing his shirt collar and aiming him at his proud dad, or just subtly tripping him as he approached the podium.

But fear not, all ironies would be resolved beautifully when the Principal directed the Award Recipients to line up against the wall and hold up their certificates.  I couldn’t resist asking them to “now turn to the left.”




  • Elana

    Ah yes, we had a similar experience in 6th grade as I watched Sam’s (verbal) bully and nemesis receive a Thumbs Up award just a week after I issued a complaint about his daily mocking of Sam. When questioned, the principal explained that they were offering the boy some positive reinforcement. Thumbs Up recipients get to go to lunch off campus at In and Out Burger during the school day. But fear not, Sam also got an award that day for excellence in mathematics. I’m sure he remembers his paper certificate fondly.

  • Ray Sammos

    Yeah Riley!

    But, I don’t get it. Why would a mother ever, ever try to embarrass their daughter in front of their peers (or anywhere else)?

    What that supposed to amuse?

    • Suzy

      um. Dad, i don’t think i’ll even try to answer that one.

      (it’s just a standing joke. I actually pretend that she thinks I’m okay to have around:)