Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

Sext Drama: Day Two. The End.

There is a gap… and we hope we are standing in it.

My beautiful 13 year old girl is on one side…
Knowledge, Confidence, Security, Purity, Achievement, Direction

all reside on the other side of the gap.
Distraction, peer pressure, foolishness, juvenile understanding, media
are in the swamp between.

As it turned out, the texting from Foolish Boys continued and we have assured our daughter that we will not allow it. Steve stood strong and firm (and a bit fearsome) as he lovingly told Riley how these boys think and how he will protect her from a conversation she doesn’t need to have at this sweet point in her life.

The world can just be …… beautiful. She’s only 13.

Her phone is no longer capable of texting anyone or receiving texts from anyone.
She can use it to have conversations and check the time.

Really, is it really necessary, or beneficial or GOOD at all?  They don’t even speak to each other.  Have we adapted to growth or have we succumbed to mediocrity?

We assure ourselves that it’s how even we parents communicate with our kids.  But I repeat the question.

I see our daughter, quite content with the solution.
I dare say she is even relieved



  • Celeste

    Good parenting is never easy, but definitely something we must try to do. If it is done with love and the faith that your decisions come from the heart with God’s guidance you can’t go wrong. Love and hugs to all of you. You are all in my prayers daily 🙂

    • Suzy

      Thanks Celeste, Fly safely and be lifted by our prayers for you today.