Our Kids, Our Family,  The Mystery of Marriage

Power Tools

Something like six months ago I had a BUNIONECTOMY.
It’s hard to decide which word is more ugly: bunion,  or its –ectomy.

The kind and slightly-too-young surgeon used standard issue hardware to hold my metatarsal in its new place; redesigned to be straighter and more natural. Neat.  Power tools. (This makes my husband very happy and of the mind that he could do this job!)

Gradually over the last few months, the screws started to come loose and make new little bumps in my foot.  (The skeptic in me thinks this is all a scam.  Self-extracting screws.)

At the very least, I am certain that dear-old-dad is peering down from his heavenly perch, joyfully affirmed in his belief that I had a screw loose. (ba-dum BUM)

So … yesterday I returned to the young doctor for a 16 minute surgical procedure to Remove The Hardware from my foot.  (See note re husband believing he could handle this procedure himself.)

Of course I had to bring it home.

Jack said, “Mommy that gives me shivers.”

This reminds me of when our pet Labrador had to have kidney stones surgically removed and the vet asked me if I wanted to have earrings made of the extracted stones.  Uh, no.  Thanks though.

But there must be a work of art in here somewhere.  Steve surely will find a creative use for these expensive and sterile bits of metal. Stay tuned! 🙂




One Comment

  • Ray

    I agree with whoever said it – “If you must have a lose screw, your foot is the best place to have it!”

    It’s just to bad that all the lose screws can’t be surgically removed in 16 minutes. I might go in for that operation myself!