Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

Parent’s Love

My precious mother-in-law sent an email this morning with a link to a famous and stirring video by AndiesIsle and  as I watched it, the enormous gift of her constant love wove through my insides like a living, breathing vine.   As parents, we give bits of ourselves to our children from the moment they are conceived, and every day throughout our lives; while they need us to keep them safe, and long after they need us for much at all.   As parents, there’s no difference between a financial gift or the making of a simple meal; the gift of a prayer, a hug, a band-aid  or the gifts of a college education, a car repair or basketball camp.  The deep love that is packed into each moment of parenting is organic and constantly replenishing.

Our parents have given Steve and me immeasurable gifts of love; some that have never been spoken in acknowledgement.  No matter how much we express our gratitude, there are too many gifts to count.   Many are too deep for words.

As I watched this video today, my heart filled with more gratitude for my mom-in-law, for my own mother, all swimming in a deep sense of God’s supernatural love for His creation.

It’s all connected.

As my own children grow into adulthood, the profound sense of release, of sending them off to sail their own wings, feels like the love that God has for us.  Watching this video of the magnificence He created for us to dwell in fills me with the wonder of a parent’s gifts.

We are joyful in the simple knowledge that our children have received our love, and we let go of the need for anything more.  We must let them choose their life as God lets us choose ours.

Today right now I marvel at the love of our parents; that we are here because of their love.  Their complex and simple, ever-replenishing, unconditional love.


One Comment

  • Julie

    This is beautiful. There’s no greater love than the love that a parent has for their child. It is without

    a doubt one of the deepest forms of love that God gave us. Parenthood is the greatest profession on

    earth, and an awesome responsibility.