Living Vertically,  The Story

Once Shattered, More to Come…

What do you need God to shatter?   What are we afraid to lose ?

Will we ask Him, and allow Him to shatter that which we hold as obstacles to our true growth?

It might hurt.  It might mean we lose C O N T R O L of our moment.

But it will mean that we will experience supernatural strength and growth on the other side.  And we will have the role to lead others to this place of shattering growth.

I didn’t know enough to ask Him to shatter me.  Nor did He need me to give Him permission.  He knew the precision with which He would surgically shatter my self-managed life and make me new.

He made me new. There’s no dispute, there’s no other explanation.

And now I know even more how we need Him to make us new…

Over and over
