Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family


Jack sits and draws diligently on a star-shaped sticky note to add to our collection on the window.  He’s thankful for COOKIES.  Can I have one more? He is softly singing, “Let the Glory of the Lord” as he writes down his thank-you thoughts.    As we wait for the last batch of chocolate chip cookies to finish in the oven, he looks up from his writing.

He’s remembering the stop we made earlier in the day as we drove to fetch his sister at camp. We slid into McDonalds for a bio-break and we saw two busloads of our nation’s Army servicemen eating lunch on the outside picnic table.  As usual, Jack was intrigued and didn’t hesitate to reach out.  “Can we go say hi?”  Little-big Jack wanted to go chat with the brave-looking men and tell them that they reminded him of the movie Transformers, (he had Bumble Bee evidence in his hot little hands).  So, naturally we did.  He brought over his bumblebee transformer and we introduced ourselves; I helped break the ice. “Hi guys, this is Jack.”    Of course, all of them turned and welcomed Jack into their conversation.  They were en route from Camp Grayling in Michigan back to base in Illinois.  “You look like the guys in Transformers” Jack said confidently.  One of the servicemen stood up super-straight and smiled, “Yep! That was me!”  His comrades laughed and threw french fries at his boastfulness.  Jack was undone; delighted, and downright giddy.  I thanked the “Transformers” for their bravery in real life and left them to their own freedom and peace.

As Jack and I walked away he grabbed my hand and told me he loved me.  He was fulfilled.

When gratitude thrives, we are fulfilled.