• Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

    Death Again

    Death Confronts Us Again. And we confront death. This makes three in one year, up close. Each death takes us closer to carving out where meaningful lives. We try to make sense of it. We cannot know why a man of 40 dies and leaves three little children and a young devoted wife. Our good friend is gone. His children…

  • Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

    The Wonder of the UnPlanned

    Lots of us recovering control freaks still want to construct the world according to the vision we have for what we know to be the best course of action for us and those around us. (Exhausting even to read!) But this week in my clicking, (particularly via Jon Acuff’s blog) I’ve encountered fun conversation about the glory that often resides…

  • Living Vertically


    I tried to focus. Re-focus.  I tried to force open a window of inspirational reflection.  At least finish yesterday’s journal entry left hanging mid-sentence. These days are filled with unique family demands that crescendo just prior to the screeching, super slo-mo, sideways-slide of summer. Busy, but different. Amidst the planning of camps and no-camps for the small and mid-size ones,…

  • Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

    A Friday Paradox

    I love this word. Paradox. In a conversation through this space about marriage, Evan Forester and I shared ideas on submission.  Wise Evan called up Paul’s words in his letter to the leaders in Phillipi and the whole concept also became relevant to TODAY’s current events (of all things). Philippians 2 puts it: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is…

  • Living Vertically,  The Mystery of Marriage

    A Year … Almost

    Mom has moved the pillow to the center of the bed:  submission to the truth.   He is with Jesus and her life is changed.  How can she be happy that he’s gone?  How can we celebrate the joy of heaven when we have such guttural pain in our body?  It’s the most ultimate choice that we must work through…

  • Living Vertically,  The Story

    Mom? Scandalous?

    Scandalous runs in my family.  It goes back for generations. In this fuzzy 1973 snapshot of a few well-mannered, if giddy, English family members, the layers of unheard of behavior would make your hair curl! The woman in the middle: my grandmother. Born in Santiago Chile in 1901, married an Englishman who worked for the BBC.  During WWII her husband…

  • Living Vertically,  Serving, Leading

    Vibrating Thresholds

    I know, weird.  But the idea of vibrating thresholds is once again the best way to describe this time. It’s my new way of thinking about life change that we can sense but can’t see to the other side.  Sometimes it’s merely waiting. But often it’s continuing to heed the insistences on our heart. Walking towards the dream. Steve’s and…

  • Living Vertically,  The Mystery of Marriage,  The Story

    Monday Morning Marriage

    You’ve seen a bumblebee when it bounces frantically, persistently into the window, unaware of the clear and solid obstacle between him and the luscious bouquet of wildflowers on your sun porch? The squirrels and robins watch this bumblebee and try to shout to him “it’s no use!” but he doesn’t seem to get it. He thinks he can fly through the…

  • Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

    Spitting Chicklets

    Jack’s Tough.  He’s hung out his whole life with his much-older brothers and his teenage sister, and he can hold his own in a game of “Oh yea? Take that.” But. There’s this weird thing happening this year with a couple puny 4th grade bullies on the elementary school bus. These kids don’t even look tough and they cower in…

  • Living Vertically

    Festival, Don’t End!

    My first writing festival!  Like a 13 year old girl on Rodeo Drive, I cannot possibly see all that is luscious.  Today’s Day 3; I need to make room and shake out some of the vibrating energy in my fingers…. I want to be able to carry around the speeches and conversations with me like a little shot of 5-Hour…

  • Living Vertically,  The Story


    It finally came. Like many, I followed closely as my best-friend-Don (who I’ve not yet technically met actually in real person face-to-face) struggled and amazed everyone with the whole GET IT TOLD process.  The BLJ book, the other book about the making of the movie, the funding of the movie, the almost not movie …. (inhale) and now the public…

  • Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family


    It seems like a good day to repost this. I got caught shoplifting when I was 18 years old. I know, I know.  REALLY late bloomer.  The security guard’s cold hand clenched my left wrist as I attempted to leave the store without paying for the pair of jeans that hid in my bag.  The crime took place in a Hudson’s…

  • Living Vertically,  Serving, Leading,  The Mystery of Marriage

    How Fashionable Are Your Scales?

    We all have ‘em. We have lots of them and they are blocking our view. They block a clear view of our parents, our business situations, our finances, our children, our miraculous spouses and ourselves. We have scales on our eyes. Important aspects of understanding and knowledge; grace and compassion, even intelligence. All distorted because we have scales. Some people have scales…

  • Living Vertically,  The Mystery of Marriage

    How Dare He.

    I’ll be clear. For approximately 22.2 years I’ve been planning to write a book. (You, too?)   Now in my 40-something, fabulous, post-transformation healthier place, I’m endeavoring to bring that dream to life. It’s going to be great. I quit not-one-but-two fairly big jobs. (Ok, one was bigger than the other.) And now I humbly devote myself to balancing my time…

  • Living Vertically,  Our Kids, Our Family

    Strategic Teenage Parenting??

    Even though I am now on my own as a periodic consultant and should-be-committed-writer, I still very much enjoy my subscriptions to the agency trade and business publications that flicker in my inbox.  Today’s gem was from Inc. Magazine.  Here’s the original opening set-up. 6 Habits of True Strategic Thinkers by Paul J. H. Schoemaker You’re the boss, but you still…