Our Kids, Our Family,  The Story

The Undeniable Pivotal Impact of Fathers

Monday Morning. I couldn’t get this out yesterday.

Fathers Day.

In this week, I read two letters from two brothers, sons of the same man: one with joyful, gushing feelings of love and admiration for his deceased father.  The other with deep hurt and life-long damage caused by “a s— of a man” that needed to be painstakingly healed as a mature adult son.

My own father, buried ten years ago, creating a pivotal point in my messed-up life.

My blessing of Uncle Dad, who nurtured and loved me tenderly and made me know cherished. God brought him home a week after last year’s Father’s Day.

The father of my two eldest children: I can only pray from a distance that they both have healthy love relationships with their father (I believe they do).

My amazing husband, magnificent Dad, who hears from his grown sons and his heart melts in joy
… and gratitude for a powerful God.

My husband’s father, who opened a bible for me for the first time, whom I adore and remain on-my-knees-humbled by his teaching and unconditional love.

The whole day shrouded in wrenching pain after the 11am phone call reporting our 40 year old dear friend, the father of Jack’s best buddy, died ridiculously of heart failure Saturday night. Three little children with a hole in their life forever.

Our youngest miracle Jack; the only one home today.  Showers Daddy with 7-year-old exuberance. He can’t figure out why we are both so intensely gazing at him with wet eyes throughout the day.


Our worship pastor asked us all to write a note to God about our fathers; whoever they are.  He offered a long disclaimer that he knows this might be difficult for many of us: that our fathers weren’t Godly or we have much hurt to deal with. He didn’t offer this disclaimer on Mother’s Day.  How powerful fathers are in our life.

How undeniably pivotal our fathers are to each of us.
All fathers.
Every single one.

Each man chooses his influence.
Each man deserves grace.

The impact of our fathers is a life long journey for each one of us.



How was your Father’s Day?




  • Thomas rose

    I am in Steve’s group in Indy. Love this post from fathers Day. I am only sorry it took me this long to read.

    • Suzy

      Thomas, I’m so glad you stopped by. Thanks so much for letting me know you were here; I hope you come back:)
      Best always,