Living Vertically,  The Story

Giving Up Lent (not)

I’ve traveled a somewhat circuitous pathway from the religious rules of my childhood, to a new understanding of the full work of Jesus-God (which is emphatically law-averse for many good reasons), to a new independent place where I know that God sees through all spiritual camouflage

It is our hearts He wants – because only then can He free us from this-world craziness. 

So now that I’m settled on the idea that Lent isn’t some diabolical stronghold but rather a [potentially] strengthening spiritual discipline, I’m ready to make some commitments (and not a moment too soon!)

This is where Steve and I come to the middle of two ends of our faith upbringing.  To wit: Devotion to God isn’t a short-term task we complete after a season, and then intentionally return to unhealthy habits.  It is a constant walk toward Him.  We fall; we keep walking toward Him.  Intentional Joy.

P.S. Mom taught us that we could also ADD something good to our life during Lent that would feed our spiritual life.  Great idea.

What I’m Giving Up (hopefully forever)

Junk food (to be defined later)

Listening to the voice of resistance, disguised as all kinds of fear and doubt.

Thinking that Lent is a ritual that I was supposed to leave behind


Shallow breathing


What I’m Not Giving Up

Lenten inspiration

Daily Out Loud Laughter


What I’d like to Add

More time …  spent seeing Him

More smiling at strangers.

Lent as Rhythm


So … Lent can have more dimensions than we might have thought?