Is your happiness every day dependent on the actions reactions, expectations or desires of other people? … at all? Quit it! Here’s a PEP TALK for Monday: Choose to Be Grateful. Offer gratitude for the basics that we all have and sometimes forget, but also offer gratitude for the tough things that make us stronger. This is…
Steve was reading to Jack tonight before bed and they found themselves in the story of Jesus walking on water. Jack asked, “what’s he doing?” Steve answered, “He’s walking on water.” Which made Jack ponder a bit and say, “It looks like he’s standing on the water. How’d he do that?” “It’s a miracle!” Then Jack smirked and nodded and…
Today I commit to getting it all pulled together. There are thousands of pages written down. Decades of journals, outlines, individual thoughts and attempts to write the book.
Parker Palmer teaches: In “Living The Contradictions” we refuse to flee from tension but allow it to occupy the center of our life. And why would anyone walk this difficult path? Because in doing so we may receive one of the great gifts of life – the transformation of contradiction into paradox. The poles of either/or, the choices we…
What do you do about the gifts you’re given? …. in building relationships with others? What are your priorities? does it show? Can we tell?