In a social media environment where the curated messaging of our Instagram feed has the power to make us feel many things – motivated, inspired, discouraged, inferior – I like to remind my family of the Unique Rainbow Theory. Or URT. (It’s my theory; still working on the name.) The URT is the principle that when we see a rainbow…
Somehow my life has always been this way. My world is filled with a lot of people – smart, wise people – who land on all different points on all the spectrums of ideological thought and life-journey decisions. I know many loving, dedicated people who have considered deeply the ways to prioritize the factors of their own life and make…
by Suzy Sammons “Narrative is our culture’s currency; he who tells the best story wins.” — Bobette Buster As Christians we follow the greatest storyteller of all time. Jesus of Nazareth taught a small band of disciples, and changed the world with stories that delivered radical messages of love and transformation. As His modern followers we have worked hard to do…
Ten years ago I left a long career in the major ad agency business. I said good bye to the remarkably brilliant people at TBWA\Chiat\Day after a dozen years with that agency and embarked on a new journey. My loving team sent me off with freshly monogramed, super-luxe blank journals with uncracked bindings (you know that sound). I would go…
If we try to hide our children from controversial content, they may not learn to think for themselves about important issues they’ll face throughout their life. If we try to force our own views on them without demonstrating openness to always-new ways of seeing people, we might miss a chance to teach and learn the mightiest of skills ourselves. If…
Lest I neglect completely my humble yet therapeutic, personal yet pseudo-public journal of womanly gymnastics of the mental order, I find today an opportunity to celebrate a beautiful jaunt through another, not-yet-actual friend’s interpretation of a childhood favorite. Not my childhood particularly, unless of course, you consider the Warner Brothers version of said favorite childhood tale. I have only another…
It all happens in a flash. Our youngest turns 8 and counts the minutes until his friends arrive for backyard maniac birthday party. My eldest turns 21 and heads to Prague with his collegiate basketball team to inspire high school students to strive for an uplifted life. Then, of course, he’s taking the dozens of dollars he’ll have left to…
Don’t Look Up! More than one war is waging above your head today. Yes, I am intrigued by the fierce battle between good and evil waging in the heavens for our hearts and souls. But God only knows who will win that one today. (wink) Right now I’m referring to the battle in Washington over controlling our digital screens. Our…
Here are a few interesting dots to connect. Yesterday CNN covered loads about their own media industry. Wait, is that a circular reference? No matter. They featured a shouting panel of experts arguing whether or not we should vilify the writers of Glee who predictably leveraged the public debate of guns in schools to desperately elevate their ratings. An equal…
Today’s news connection: The Huffington Post reports on what men say about their ex-wives. This oughta be good. Click. The statements are contradictory and, on the surface a bit whiny. But when we consider the deeper meaning, (which might be risky) the potential truth huddled beneath the whining is quite important. The reality is magnified and their statements are true,…
In honor of Super Bowl, and the greatest commercial of all time, I give you a sixty second reflection for today. Can we think as big as this kid? Can we get on our all-powerful outfit and go conquer the world and never ever ever give up? It’s so stinkin’ cool when we get shocked by a miracle in our…
After a long break with three separate marathon gatherings of fabulous family, holiday traveling and welcoming guests here, we’re hobbling toward the [welcome] regimen of school and structured work. So what did we learn during this precious season? That we are a family of connectedness. For better or worse, Mac or PC, screens are a reality of us. Everyone has…
The newly appointed CEO of Lockheed Martin was able to accept her new position extra-quick because the former CEO apparently couldn’t keep his affairs in order. Literally. (Note: I’m sure that Mrs. Hewson is a better choice for CEO anyway, and Lockheed’s handling seems to be highly professional.) Colonel Petraeus has succeeded in dropping the level of conversation about his…