Living Vertically,  Serving, Leading

An Age-Old Recipe

Now I step committed into a new course of study.  My first assignment: absorb the teaching that’s housed in a book thought up by Dr. Henry Cloud a few years back.
(Not to toot my own horn, but once again, it’s all connected.)


…….  TRUTH

…………… TIME

All three essential: each one with particular and custom proportions for each of us, all striving and yearning to be close to God.

What if…. we were to give our family, neighbors, associates, passersby

and ourselves

the full understanding of God’s three-part recipe for honest and forever love?

It’s that “time” thing that’s the hardest, if you think about it.
Or is it the Grace that’s most difficult to find sometimes?
But then, “truth” gets all tangled up and lost, too…
Pulling it all together and making each piece connect with just the right dose is actually pretty complicated… isn’t it?

How would our thoughts words and actions change

with just the right mix?  For others and for us?

I think I’d be stronger and I’d walk around all calm and put-together and oozing wisdom.

Sheesh ………..     I’d have to start today over.