Living Vertically,  Serving, Leading

Vibrating Thresholds

I know, weird.  But the idea of vibrating thresholds is once again the best way to describe this time.

It’s my new way of thinking about life change that we can sense but can’t see to the other side.  Sometimes it’s merely waiting. But often it’s continuing to heed the insistences on our heart. Walking towards the dream.

Steve’s and my world is often filled with the NEXT BIG IDEA.
It’s how we roll around here. Brainstorming is in our blood and we travel great tangental rabbit trails of possibilities for businesses, movies, gazebos, retreats, adventures, books, … (wait, gazebos? ya, he wants one).

But we’ve also lived long enough (and surrendered repeatedly) and reflected back enough to know the hand of God is exceedingly more thrilling as a way of life, and that’s what we want to guide our decisions.

God knows our dreams and He wants us to live them.

So as we joyfully imagine the next great adventure for our life, we know that some doors will never open, and some feel mundane and we shake them off. Some seem only God-possible and are exciting to ponder.  All we know is we will pass through more thresholds as we respond to the call inside our hearts.

Right now I have this heightened awareness of the unknown, and of the Spirit-lead invitation to dream. Visualize it and step into it. We can’t see what others will decide or what convergence of events will burst open one of these doors. But we know we must step forward in daring joy or we might miss it. Put our best stuff out there boldly (even if we’re faking it). I think it’s where trust happens, and it’s fabulous.

The thresholds are vibrating.




  • Theresa Grant

    Thank you for this post, it is a real encouragement to me, as I have recently been stepping out boldly into a vision God has given me for my church and for the UK.
    In my quiet time today I read ‘Nethertheless, on some points I have written to you boldly by way of reminder, because of the grace given me by God’ Romans 15:15NRSV.
    Let’s be bold! If it is because of the calling God has upon your life then he will also give you the grace to share it.

    • Suzy

      Hi Theresa,
      So glad you came and such invigorating wisdom! He will indeed give us what we need.

      Have a great weekend….

  • Ray

    This all sounds exciting – stay on course!