Living Vertically,  The Story

Did I Miss Something?

My reticular activator might be offline for maintenance.  Perhaps it’s “normal” for us to have what seems like obvious connections in our deeper mind and heart but we ourselves don’t intellectually see the connection until our reticular activator gets the message…. sometime much later.   Which probably isn’t technically how the RA works.  Hmmm.

I know I have certain realities tucked away in my baggage, and old paradigms that, if allowed, will block the obvious signs of God’s voice on my life.  Isn’t that the problem?

I’m talking about (in case it’s not terribly clear!) the daily presence of God’s call, drawing us to our purpose in this short life.  Always available to us, but only when we’re ready and asking with open ears; then the answers seem to be right in front of us waiting for us to see.

Our conversations, our studies in this season are strangely centering on the work, power and blessing of God’s Holy Spirit in our life.  Elisha prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened and it was done, so that suddenly the young aid could see the great army of heavenly chariots that surrounded their enemy.  It was true.

As I face another new chapter, an adjustment in my focus  – that so often comes to us after a season of grieving – I am awakened to the surrounding presence of God’s Holy Spirit giving me this same, persistent message.

It’s time to do the work.  Clarify the goal, finish the book, leap into the calling to help in the ways only I can.  Don’t focus on the enemy’s forces, don’t calculate the visible odds.  Trust the word of God on your heart.

…but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.  Rom8:6

The blessings are more creative and surprising than we could ever design.
My assignment now: charge ahead.

And yours?